Welcome to my site!
I'm happy you're here!
Howdy! Thank you for taking the time to check out my little corner of the internet. With all the uncertainty around social media these days, I saw it fit to return to my deviantArt roots and dive back into making something sweet and unique to me. Oh, how I've missed early internet eccentricity...
If you're new here, feel free to check out my About page, and take your time familiarizing yourself with the site! I have plenty of little easter eggs hidden around, if you have some free time then you may have fun exploring :)
Anyways! Here you'll find lots of great stuff if you're at all interested in keeping up with my antics. I've been growing frustrated with the lack of good options for hosting my work somewhere it won't get deepfried to hell, and honestly FA isn't my ideal version of a "public gallery". So! I'm hosting my own gallery here, mostly the greatest hits! All high res! That's right baby! Plus, I'll be showcasing my beginner fursuit and 3D work in one nice, easy to reference place. No more scrolling through Twitter's janky media tab to find things.
As you can probably tell, I plan to continually maintain this site; you can see the updates sidebar to the left, which will be kept up to date. Also a great way to see where I'll be in terms of cons (come say hi!). While Twitter is still more or less my "home base" until it crashes and burns, this site is a great way to check up on me if you're understandably done with that evil app.